untappdtreasure Oct 26, 2013 11:28
ship: goren & eames, character: alex eames, & icons, character: james trivette, character: alex cahill walker, tv: walker texas ranger, ship: mulder & scully, tv: the walking dead, character: dana scully, character: fox mulder, tv: the x-files, character: gil grissom, character: daryl dixon, ship: daryl & carol, tv: law & order: criminal intent, tv: csi crime scene investigation, ship: grissom & sara, character: bobby goren, character: sara sidle
untappdtreasure Oct 10, 2013 22:06
character: fox mulder, & fanmixes, ship: mulder & scully, tv: the x-files, character: dana scully
untappdtreasure Sep 16, 2013 13:10
ship: goren & eames, character: alex eames, character: cordell walker, & graphics, character: alex cahill walker, tv: walker texas ranger, ship: mulder & scully, character: carol peletier, tv: the walking dead, character: dana scully, character: fox mulder, tv: the x-files, character: gil grissom, character: daryl dixon, ship: daryl & carol, tv: law & order: criminal intent, ship: grissom & sara, tv: csi crime scene investigation, character: sara sidle, character: bobby goren, ship: walker & alex